Leonada Gelato Machena, in her one-room apartment. Cienfuegos, Cuba
Moria Antonia Gomez’s one-room apartment. Cienfuegos, Cuba
Tereza Boniza in her home. Cienfuegos, Cuba. On the wall (left) is a picture of her mother when she was young
Colorful objects pasted on a wall in a one-room apartment. Cienfuegos, Cuba
Delphine Fernandez, in his small hut, surrounded by images of Lenin and studies of Marx. Cienfuegos, Cuba
Havinyo Agiar’s image reflected through a broken mirror in his one-room apartment. Cienfuegos, Cuba
Ilama Bural Morachon with a broken arm in her apartment. Cienfuegos, Cuba
Kitchen / Bedroom. Cienfuegos, Cuba
Onelia Katyo, watching the street through her apartment’s door. Anyone passing by Onelia’s door is her potential friend: a passing neighbor, children on their way to the nearby school, or even a stray cat. Cienfuegos, Cuba
An empty bed of a deceased tenant. Cienfuegos, Cuba
A woman is walking down the hall of an apartment complex. Cienfuegos, Cuba.